It pays to be a trendsetter. Studies find that keeping up with technology trends (often referred to as “digital transformation”) helps businesses streamline processes and respond to customer demands more effectively.

One of the most pressing customer demands of our time is the right to privacy. Nobody wants their personal information sold—think about how unnerving it is when you look something up on the internet and ads for that product start appearing everywhere you go.

But without the right cybersecurity tools, your customers can’t fully trust that you’ll keep their data safe. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of five cybersecurity tips that will help you protect your company’s assets (and your customers’ assets).

1. Tools to Prevent Automated Hacking

This is arguably the most important cybersecurity tip of 2023 as AI becomes more powerful. Automated hacking is a form of cyber attack that uses sophisticated computer code to breach security systems and access sensitive data. 

That’s why implementing your own AI tools and machine learning to detect these attacks can be an invaluable asset for your business.

2. Data Encryption Standards

All companies should have encryption standards in place, but those standards need to be updated regularly. The longer the encryption key, the more secure your data will be. Make sure you have a password policy so that employees are aware of proper protocols for protecting company data.

3. Remote Work Cybersecurity

While some businesses have been requiring their employees to go back to the office, it’s a trend that’s not going away. Workers will continue to push their employers for flexibility and the companies that keep up with remote work will stay the most competitive. But remote workers come with a different set of security concerns.

Make sure your company has sound policies and procedures for remote work, such as secure VPNs and two-factor authentication.

4. Cloud Storage Regulations

More businesses are turning to cloud storage solutions for their data. Whether your company is using a private or public cloud infrastructure, understanding the regulations associated with the service provider can help ensure that your data remains secure.

While many cloud providers have advanced cybersecurity in place, hackers are doing their research and finding ways to target cloud systems. Make sure you understand the regulations and your provider’s security measures before moving your data to the cloud.

5. IoT with 5G Network Security

The rollout of 5G technology has created a new ecosystem of connected devices (IoT) that can improve efficiency and productivity. But it also opens up your business to potentially devastating cyberattacks.

It’s important to understand the security risks associated with this trend, such as device tracking and denial-of-service attacks. Implementing the proper security measures can help protect your business and customers from potential data breaches.

Following these five cybersecurity tips in 2023 can provide you, your business, and your customers with the utmost protection against cyberattacks. It’s important to stay ahead of the trends and make sure that you’re doing all you can to keep your data safe. Your customers will thank you!

Need Help Putting These Cybersecurity Tips Into Place? Nexus IT Can Help

Companies choose Nexus IT because we weed through the cybersecurity hits and flops to help you decide which solutions are right for your business.

With over 20 years of experience, we not only understand the current cybersecurity trends, but how to implement them in a way that works best for you. Schedule a free consultation to learn more about our services and how we can help keep your data secure!