Finding Your Purpose With Brilliant Miller

In our latest live stream, Earl Foote talked with Brilliant Miller, founder of the School For Good Living, on the topic of finding and following one’s purpose in life.

As singularly important as one’s purpose in life is, it’s not always easy to determine. Even when you know what your purpose is, it can also be difficult to follow it. These are the types of challenges that Brilliant Miller works on with his clients.

In this recent live stream, Nexus IT Consultants’ Earl Foote and Brilliant Miller discussed the value of declaring a life purpose, how to determine your life purpose, and much more:

Meet Brilliant Miller, Founder Of School For Good Living

“This is a person who consistently stretches my perspective and my mindset,” says Earl of Brilliant.

Brilliant Miller is a writer, teacher, podcaster, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and personal leadership coach. As the Founder of The School For Good Living, Brilliant helps others discover their passions and the different ways to give life positive meaning.

“Every one of us has a purpose and it’s unique to us, and we must find it and live it,” says Brilliant.

The School For Good Living is a platform that is meant to help everyone live a life of purpose, meaning, and contribution through numerous types of coaching; whether it be 1-1 Coaching, Public Speaking Coaching, the Transformational Coaching Program, or others.

Brilliant has consolidated a range of fundamental concepts (mindfulness, emotional awareness, and more) into the curriculum delivered by the School of Good Living. All of these personal practices help to enrich a person’s life and their ability to know and fulfill their purpose. No matter where a person is in their journey, there are steps they can take to work towards their purpose.

“In life, we all get lost sometimes, and we all get stuck,” says Brilliant. “Life is a process of serial evolutions.”

How can you find your purpose?

While Brilliant’s programming isn’t something that can be communicated in its entirety over the course of the livestream, he did have a few tips to offer. He noted that there is no “one size fits all” approach to finding one’s purpose, but he does say that the simple act of declaring your purpose in speech or in writing is powerful.

To do so, ask yourself the following questions:

  • “What makes me lose track of time?”
  • “What am I passionate about?”

“Declaring a purpose for ourselves, and then living congruent to it, can transform our lives,” says Brilliant.

For the full talk with Brilliant about the School Of Good Living, make sure to check out the full livestream recording. To continue learning more about entrepreneurship, leadership and technology topics, check out Nexus IT’s Video Center for the latest informative videos with Earl Foote.