Nexus Founder and CEO – Earl Foote, Talks Community & Business Development On The Secrets To Scale Podcast

It has been said that “no man is an island”, and that the same sentiment applies to businesses. No business can thrive without a robust community. In order to succeed and grow, a business needs to develop fruitful, long-term relationships; with clients, contacts, and partners — all of which are parts of a healthy business community.

This concept is what Earl Foote and host Tanner Scott recently discussed on Ranksey Digital Marketing’s, ‘Secrets To Scale’ Podcast:

What Role Does Community Play In A Business’ Development?

Secrets To Scale is a marketing and entrepreneurship podcast, that features discussions with successful business leaders sharing their insight and experiences with listeners. After talking through Nexus’ 22-year development as a business, Earl and Tanner moved the discussion to business development and growth.

Earl explained how, in the early days, he didn’t make a concerted effort in marketing. “In the early days, we didn’t pay much attention to marketing and sales,” says Earl. “We marketed mainly through word of mouth, and grew through relationships, in addition to some networking.”

This is a prime example of how the community is vital to any type of business. Though Nexus has since grown to a point where marketing is a more focused and strategized operation, for a time, word of mouth promotion through the local business community played a far more significant role in their development.

Today, Earl and Nexus are actively involved in Silicon Slopes, a nonprofit that works to promote and support the tech business community in Utah. “We very much believe in building community and connecting authentically,” says Earl. “Silicon Slopes has most definitely put us more on the radar.”

While many would assume that you shouldn’t cooperate or even communicate with competitors, members of Silicon Slopes know what they can gain from doing so. Peers have so much to offer one another, from experience and insight to networking opportunities.

Earl believes, “Being part of a healthy, thriving tech community here in Utah, and having relationships with other tech companies, gives you a network and community to draw upon.”

For the full discussion with Earl and Tanner, make sure to check out the podcast.