If you have ever been in a retail store where you are trying to access the Internet (to compare price, for example) and find yourself without Wi-Fi access, you may start to think that there is something the store does not want you to know. What is closer to the truth of the matter is […]

In today’s workplace, one thing that is almost a certainly is the need to stay in the productivity loop while you are traveling or working from a remote location. Many options exist for you and your staff to remain in touch while one or more team members are either on the move or located away […]

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times. Mac’s are just “safer” than PC’s. They’re less prone to viral and other types of hacking attacks. This has, in fact, been a major selling point for the machines, and Apple has used it to good advantage. The problem is, it’s not true, generally […]

When people think about extreme reactions to changes in technology within a company, what most often comes to mind is the older worker, the one who is not a digital native. These are the people for whom change has come too quickly and demanded retraining for positions that otherwise were following a simpler and established […]

When we think of technology, there are two main ideas that come to mind. The first is hardware, the tangible products that we directly experience such as a smartphone camera or a cloud server. The second is software, commonly known as apps, which are not tangible but of which we do see the results. For […]