It has been said over and over, and proven by research and real life experience, that technology can be used to effectively increase productivity. One of the questions that is not often addressed is how a company, regardless of size, go from zero tech to productivity tech without interrupting the daily workflow and losing productivity […]

If you use Panda’s free antivirus software, you could be in some trouble. There’s a problem with the software in that it identifies itself as malware, and puts core files into quarantine. When it does that, if you reboot your PC, odds are good that it won’t boot up again. It won’t be able to, […]

Google’s “Project Zero” security initiative is bearing fruit, unearthing security issues we’ve never seen before, in hopes of getting them patched before the hacking community can begin to exploit them. In this instance, the hack has nothing to do with software, but with RAM, making it an exceptionally dangerous, exotic bug. The technique, dubbed “Rowhammer” […]

The drones are coming. The FAA has now taken the first step toward making commercial use of drones a viable option. While they have yet to create a set of rules governing their use, they have issued guidelines, and they’ve begun to allow some companies regulatory exemptions so that they can begin experimenting with putting […]

There’s a new SSL security flaw that’s making the news, and as usual, it has the major tech companies scrambling to provide patches. In some cases, patches are available now. In others, they’re still about a week away. Here’s what you need to know and how to guard against it. Background This latest security flaw […]

The great problem with free apps is that they’re often developed by very small companies. That’s not an inherently bad thing, but these tiny development houses usually can’t afford to do a lot of QA and bug fixing or checking. Often, that can lead to free apps that have giant security holes in them. Security […]

Most people are of the opinion that credit card transactions are fairly secure, in spite of the fact that over the past eighteen months there have been a number of fairly large breaches in which millions of customer transactions were exposed. The reality is that mobile payments on platforms like Apple Pay, are even more […]

There is a sea change occurring in the area of electricity generation, and whether you realize it or not, whether you think about electricity beyond paying your monthly bill, it is going to have an impact on you and your business. What’s Changing? The first, biggest change at the strategic level has been China’s big […]

Today, many business that are looking for ways to cut costs while managing their websites and other technological and resource related tasks have found Managed Service Providers to be the answer to their needs. Managed Service Providers (or MSPs) provide managing, monitoring and resolutions of problems for IT systems within a business. The problem is […]

One of the greatest concerns of a business is retaining their top talent. Changing economic conditions mean that employees are seeking opportunities that will pay them more or present them with more opportunities. Many times, the top talent at small businesses use their current position as a steppingstone to move to a larger company. These […]